John Maude de Staynland
(Cir 1535-1616)


Family Links

1. Alice Brome

John Maude de Staynland 1

  • Born: Cir 1535
  • Marriage (1): Alice Brome
  • Died: 1 Aug 1616 aged about 81

bullet  General Notes:

John Maude of Stainland is descended from the Christopher Maude of Holling Hall as per Burke's History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland.
If so then this line can be traced back to Maude/Montalt/Monaut/Monte Alto from the time of the Norman conquest; and to King Edward III of England and all his ancestors.

Unfortunately there is some evidence that the Christopher Maude of Holling Hall is a different Christopher Maude that the one John is descended from and that some confusion has been made between the two Christophers

John Maude of Stainland
By SHEILA COE <> October 16, 2010

I am currently working on trying to discover the true identity of John Maude of Stainland.The bases of these notes are the pedigrees in Foster's Yorkshire Families and in Burke's Commoners, which are riddled with such ludicrous mistakes it is hard to fathom how they occurred.

1. The John Maude baptised 26.4.1614 who appears just to the right of the coat of arms, was not buried in 1686, aged 72. His will was made in 1643, and proved in London by John Wilson, 13.4.1654.An abstract of the will appears in YAS Record series Vol.9: Yorkshire wills proved in the time of the Commonwealth. Testatorwas John Maude of Wakefield, Gentleman.He left small amounts of money to a number of relatives, including My aunt Mrs Mary Gill, My aunt Edith, wife of Gervase Norton of Kettlethorpe, my mother,Mrs Sarah Maude, my aunt Margaret Maude, my sister Sarah Maude. Elizabeth Wilson als Maude, reputed daughter of ….Wilson,my cousin Mr Barnabas Otley, cousins John Allot, John Wilson, & John Scot.
To his grandmother Mrs Jane Maude, he left 'my black combe'.The most important and informativebequest was 'a messuage in Westgate to Benjamin Maude, youngest son of John Maude, late of Alverthorpe, my late father deceased.'
A note below the printed abstract says that John was buried at Wakefield 14.6 1647, and that the entry in Burke and Foster that he died in 1686 and buried in the High Choir at Wakefield, 'must have been another John Maude.' I looked up the entry in the MS transcript of Wakefield Par. Reg. (at YAS) and there was no mention of his being aged 72.

2. The Benjamin named in the will was baptised at Wakefield, 8.6.1640. The pedigrees state that John Maude of Alverthorpe was bur. 19.3.1634--in fact, the register makes plain that it was John Maude senior who was buried then. John Maude junior was married twice, first to Elizabeth, who died in 1618, and secondly to Sarah. The John who made the 1643 will calls her his mother: his real mother was Elizabeth, but as he was only 4 when she died it is easy to see that he thought of Sarah as his mother.
John of Alverthorpe junior evidently married young, and had two young wives by each of whom he had a large family.The Wakefield registers have not been printed, but there is an MS transcript covering the years 1613-1812, and also Bishops' Transcripts for 1600-04. From these I gleaned the following baptisms to John Maude junior:
To Elizabeth: Sarah, 1600-13, Jeremy, 1602, Daniel, 1603 (Must have died as there is a later one),Robert 1604, Samuel, 1605, John 1614-47, Elizabeth, 1616.
To Sarah: Daniel, 1620, Grace, 1621, Sarah, 1622, Gideon,1625, Joshua, 1627, Maria, 1631, Benjamin, 1640.
It would seem that John Junior died between 1640, when Benjamin was baptised (unless it was a late baptism, which it could have been) and 1643 when his son calls him 'my late father'. He does not appear to have left a will, or if so, then it was not proved at York.I did not even find an adm., which seems odd. I would think he must have been born circa 1580

3. We now come to John Maude, 'senex' of Alverthorpe Hall, who fortunately did leave a will, proved at York 1635. (vol.42, fol.461) I have not seen the original, but there is an MS transcript of abstracts of anumber of Yorkshire Maudes' wills, made by Radcliffe at YAS.(Radcliffe's Yorkshire wills, MS 128.John Maude of Wakefield the elder made his will 21.1.1634/5. He says he was seized in fee simple of a messuage called Cliff in Westgate.The property was left in a complicated manner: to John Maude my grandchild, son & heir apparent of John my eldest son, with reversion to Daniel, younger son of my first son, then Gideon, another son of John, with reversion to Joshua, my grandchild, another son of John, lands at Alverthorpe to Barnabas my second son & Margaret his wife,for their lives, reversion to their eldest son, reversion to Brian, second son of Barnabas, reversion to 3rd son of Barnabas. Testator's wife Jane.Elizabeth, dau. Of son John by his first wife. Sarah, wife of son John. Son-in-law William--it looks like Norlyn, gent. in the MS but other sources indicate it should be Yarburgh--and Elizabeth his wife, Gervase Norton Gent, my son-in-law & his wife, my daughter Mary Gill, widow, Edward Wilson, son of my daughter Rebecca, and Eliz. her daughter when of age. John, son of my brother Brian.
Executors were John Maude and 'Francis Oley, Clerk, my brother-in-law.' The Foster pedigree has misread these and gives the brother-in-law's name as 'Francis Cleck!' I can't find anything on Francis Oley: it could be Otley, or even Uttley I suppose.

4. We have now reached the mysterious John of Stainland.The pedigrees say he was buried 1.8.1616.The transcripts show the burial in August 1616 of a John Maude described as 'agricol'. His will, made 1.8.1616,was proved at York. He describes himself as 'husbandman and it is clear that he is not the father of John of Alverthorpe senior. His will gives tuition of his children (Un-named) to his wife Elizabeth. He names his brother Jeremie and his uncle Anthony Millner. The IGI shows John and Jeremie baptised at Halifax in 1570 and 1573,sons of a Robert Maude.Robert Maude married Grace Millner in 1565. It was surely their son John who was the husbandman buried in 1616. I note that Paver lists a licence for a marriage at Halifax in 1610 for a John Maude of Wakefield and Elizabeth Briggs of Halifax, and it seems likely that this was the John Maude, husbandman, who died in 1616.We must search further to find the true 'John Maude of Stainland'.

5.Brian Maude of Stothill appears on the pedigrees as the brother of John Maude senex. It will be remembered that John senex mentioned 'my brother Brian' in his will. Stothill is actually in Cowling, in the parish of Kildwick, rather a long way from both Wakefield and Halifax. Brian's will was made in 1631 and proved at York(42/338) I have used Radcliffe's transcript.Brian names his wife Jane (he had married Jane Smith at Kildwick in 1589), his'natural' brothers, John and Samuel. And his sister Sibilla. 'Natural' in this context is an odd word. I have seen it used to mean illegitimate children, and also to mean exactly the opposite, i.e.very much legitimate children. A Samuel Maude married Agnes Smith at Kildwick in 1620, but as this was 30 years after Brian's marriage to a Smith, it seems unlikely to have been Brian's brother.

Brian son of John Maude of Stainland was baptised at Elland,April 1562. Sibilla, dau. of John Maude of Stainland was baptised at Elland 5.5.1566. John, son of John Maude of Elland, was baptised at Halifax,20.11.1559. I did not find a suitable Samuel baptism.
Stainland and Elland were both large townships within the parish of Halifax., and inhabitants were entitled to use Halifax parish church. However, Elland had an ancient parochial chapel, and Stainland was one of the townships it encompassed. The Elland registers covering 1559-1640 have been printed, and the Halifax registers for 1538-93, so we shall not be able to trace John of Stainland further back than this by means of registers. Other ways may eventually help. I imagine he would be born about 1535-40.

In 1583-4, John Maude was Constable of Stainland.(Wakefield Court Rolls, 1583-5. YAS) The same volumegives information which seems to indicate John's first acquisition of land in Wakefield.At the great court held in Wakefield, 24.4.1584, under Alverthorpe, a land transaction is recorded between John Savile esq, and John Maude of Stainland. John Savile surrenders a selion of land, approx 1 and a half roods lying in a field called Humble Jumble field, to the use of John Maude of Stainland,his heirs etc.John Maude surrenders another selion in the same field. In other words, they seem to be consolidating their strip holdings to make a more convenient arrangement.
At the great court at Wakefield October 9 1584, John Maude is listed as a Free Tenant and yeoman and pays fourpence.
This volume is also notable to me as it contains the only references that I have found to the mysteriousBrian Brome, whose daughter Alice John of Stainland is said to have married. He does not seem to have left a will, and the references here are not helpful, being concerned with land transactions in Stanley and Alverthorpe which do not at present seem erelvant. Brian's wife's name was Margaret.

At the court held at Wakefield,3.2.1609,under Alverthorpe, William Rodes of Wakefield and wife Anne, surrendered and quitclaimed to John Maude of Wakefield…lands etc of 28 acres in Alverthorpe which Maude had lately had by surrender of william Rodes, which the latter had by surrender of Edward Baynes and wife Anne, sister and co-heiress of Agnes Rodes deceased, late wife of Roger Rodes.[I note that a rebecca Maude married a Rychard Rodes at Wakefield 26.8.1600.]

Also at this court, Thomas Scoley and wife Jane surrendered a parcel of land and buildings at Le Cliff in Wakefield, to the use of John Maude, his heirs etc. It will be remembered that the Cliff is specifically mentioned in John Maude senior's will. Unfortunately, this transaction seems to have been the subject of litigation, too complicated for me to follow, but detailed in the volume, and presumably resolved.

This brings to a close my current findings on John Maude of Stainland.The printed pedigrees say that he made surrenders of land in Wakefield parish in 1585 and 1592. Unfortunately, these years have not yet been printed. It would be possible to look at the original rolls, held ay YAS. But since these years are after he left Halifax, there seems little point.Any genealogical information regarding John's ancestry is likely to be gleaned from earlier study of the rolls, or, since Elland and Stainland's Lord of the manor was separate from that of Wakefield, perhaps in other rolls entirely.

Maudes of West Riddlesden and Hollinghall
My interest in John of Stainland was sparked by discovering the horrendous mistakes in showing his descent from Christopher of Hollinghall, and of Christopher's from the West Riddlesden Maudes.I posted my findings, with sources and evidence quoted , on Genforum, onFebruary 6, March 12 and 27, 2010. I hope anyone interested in this family will find these of interest.

bullet  Death Notes:

The YAS Yorkshire will index lists a will of a John Mawde, pa. Wakefield, husbandman, proved October 2nd 1616, but made 1st August 1616. (Ref. Vol.34 Folio 199).


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Misc: Land transaction, 1560, Stainland, YKS, England, UK. Between John Mawde and Marmaduke Rayner
Messuage with lands in Staynland.
Yorkshire Fines: 1560
Pages 231-243
Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 1, 1486-1571 </feet-of-fines-yorks/vol1>. Originally published by Yorkshire Archeological Society, Leeds, 1887.

• Occupation: Constable, 1583-1584, Stainland, YKS, England, UK.

• Misc: Land transactions, 24 Apr 1584, Wakefield, YKS, England, UK. At the great court held in Wakefield, 24.4.1584, under Alverthorpe, a land transaction is recorded between John Savile esq, and John Maude of Stainland. John Savile surrenders a selion of land, approx 1 and a half roods lying in a field called Humble Jumble field, to the use of John Maude of Stainland, his heirs etc.John Maude surrenders another selion in the same field. In other words, they seem to be consolidating their strip holdings to make a more convenient arrangement.
At the great court at Wakefield October 9 1584, John Maude is listed as a Free Tenant and yeoman and pays fourpence.

• Misc: He 'made surrenders of copyhold', 1585-1592, Wakefield, YKS, England, UK. 2

• Misc, 3 Feb 1609, Wakefield, YKS, England, UK. At the court held at Wakefield,3.2.1609, under Alverthorpe, William Rodes of Wakefield and wife Anne, surrendered and quitclaimed to John Maude of Wakefield…lands etc of 28 acres in Alverthorpe which Maude had lately had by surrender of william Rodes, which the latter had by surrender of Edward Baynes and wife Anne, sister and co-heiress of Agnes Rodes deceased, late wife of Roger Rodes.
Also at this court, Thomas Scoley and wife Jane surrendered a parcel of land and buildings at Le Cliff in Wakefield, to the use of John Maude, his heirs etc.


John married Alice Brome, daughter of Brian Brome and Margaret. (Alice Brome was buried on 1 Jun 1617 in Huddersfield, YKS, England, UK 3.)



1 John Burke Esq., <i>History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Vol II </i> (Edinburgh: R Bently: Bell and Bradfute, 1835), 2: 89. Surety: 3.

2 John Burke Esq., <i>History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Vol II </i> (Edinburgh: R Bently: Bell and Bradfute, 1835), 2: 86. Surety: 1.

3 <i>National Burial Index</i>, Church Almondbury All Hallows Denomination Anglican Place Huddersfield County Yorkshire, Yorkshire (West Riding) Country England. Surety: 2. First name(s) Alicia
Last name Maude
Birth year -
Death year 1617
Burial year 1617
Burial date 01 Jun 1617
Church Almondbury All Hallows.

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