Dinah Hawkins
(1789-1841) |
Dinah Hawkins 1
- Christened: 19 Mar 1789, Burwash, SSX, England, UK 2
- Died: 1841, Burwash, SSX, England, UK aged 52
Kate, Pelham Web Site, https://www.myheritage.com/person-1500839_458411401_458411401/dinah-sweatman-born-hawkins. Surety: 3. <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Pelham Web Site</p>Family tree: 458411401-1
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, <i>Family History Resource File - Vital Records Index - British Isles CD-ROM</i>, FHL number 1067139. Surety: 2.