John McGarry
(Cir 1790-1834)
(Cir 1790-Bef 1840)
Matthew Creegan
(Cir 1790-)
(Cir 1795-1845)
Michael McGarry
(Cir 1820-1885)
Elizabeth Creegan
(Cir 1820-1899)
William McGarry


Family Links

1. Annie ROWLAND

2. Kate Eason

William McGarry 1

  • Christened: 1844, , New South Wales, Australia 2
  • Marriage (1): Annie ROWLAND in 1883 in Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia
  • Marriage (2): Kate Eason in 1892 in Moree, Moree Plains, New South Wales, Australia
  • Died: 1900, Moree, Moree Plains, New South Wales, Australia aged 56 3

bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Religion, 1844, Maitland, NSW. 4 Roman Catholic


William married Annie ROWLAND in 1883 in Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia. (Annie ROWLAND was born in 1862 in Maitland, NSW and died in 1890 in Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia.)


William next married Kate Eason in 1892 in Moree, Moree Plains, New South Wales, Australia.



1 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (NSW), <i>Death Certificate (NSW)</i>, From his mother Elizabeth's death certificate 1899/002469. Surety: 3.

2 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, <i>Australian Vital Records Index 1788 - 1905</i>, V18441149 121A/1844. Surety: 3. .... <i>Baptism records</i>, Surety: 3. Birth 3 Nov 1844
Baptism 5 Nov 1844
(Given name not stated) McGarry
Father Michael McGarry
Mother Elizabeth Cregan.

3 <i>NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages</i>, 13324/1900. Surety: 2.

4 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, <i>Australian Vital Records Index 1788 - 1905</i>, Surety: 3.

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