Mary Blair
Mary Blair
Mary married James Charles Gibbins, son of Thomas Gibbins and Mary Ann Hotterway, in 1879 in New Zealand.1 The marriage ended in divorce before 1895. (James Charles Gibbins was born on 16 Sep 1859 in Auckland, New Zealand 2 and died on 24 Mar 1926 in Haberfield, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 3.) |
1 Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand, <i>Births Deaths and Marriages - Marriage Certificate (NZ)</i>, 1879/1720. Surety: 3.
2 Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand, <i>Births Deaths and Marriages - Birth Certificate (NZ)</i>, folio 4306. Surety: 2. .... Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand, <i>Births Deaths and Marriages - Birth Certificate (NZ)</i>, folio 4306 1859/4283. Surety: 3.
<i>NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages</i>, Surety: 2.
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